I'm a Mormon.

Sunday, September 14, 2008


Since I posted the "heavy" stuff about life, I thought I would lighten things up by posting the pictures of the boys and their first days of school this year. My mom will probably hate that I put this picture of her and Connor on here....but Connor wanted it there, and I think it is a great picture. I love my boys!!

The power of prayer

Did you know that the power of prayer is a very real thing? I have and do know this to be true. There are times, however, that I need a reminder of this simple yet enormous power! I am so thankful that we are given the opportunity to talk to a loving Father in Heaven and to ask him for things that we need.
So most of you who know me, know that I come from a somewhat small but very close family. I have been so very blessed in this life to have my grandparents in my life since the day I was born and to have had a wonderful great grandmother in my life until I was 14. My children are blessed to have my parents and my grandparents in their lives and to have John's siblings in their lives. Connor is lucky enough to remember his "Oma" (John's mom) even though she is no longer here on earth. Can I just say again, for the record, how very GRATEFUL and BLESSED I am to have the family that I do? So, my grandfather, better known as Papa, has been having problems with circulation in his leg. About 15 years ago, he had some vein by pass work done on his legs to open up the circulation and he has been lucky enough to not have too many major problems with his legs since then. Unitl a month or so ago, that is. He started having some problems with pain and coldness, meaning no circulation. The doctors put him on meds, looked at the veins on an ultrasound, and kept watching. They told us that they could not open the blockage with a simple procedure but would have to take veins from his arms. The thought is scary enough, let alone actually having to go through the procedure. So, on Friday the doctor told my grandma that they would be doing the less invasive procedure but not until next month. Uh, no, not working for us since Papa can barely get out of bed due to the pain. So, off to the E.R. went my family yesterday. WOW!! Do you know that it is hard to know they are at the hospital and I am here, in Utah? So, my mom kept me updated and I prayed. The doctor decided to do the procedure yesterday. They basically insert a "balloon" in there and blow it up, trying to move the blockage. The procedure worked, and Papa had a warm foot almost free of pain, almost immediately. The doctor said that they really did not think that they would be able to do what they did, and that if it had not been successful, Papa would have lost his leg above the knee. How grateful we are for his not losing his leg!!! Prayers are answered and there is power in prayer! I am so grateful for that knowledge. I am grateful for my Papa. He has always been one of my greatest heros, and I am glad for that. I talked to him today and he is doing well. The hardest part for us is that we were not there. Thankfully we have technology like phones and cell phones. I love you, Papa! And, Mimi, Mom and Jay!

On another note, I work at a hotel. Just 3 days a week. There are several people who stay here because a family member is in the hospital here or just got out and needs to be close by the hospital during recovery. So, we have a really sweet guest who has been here with her companion of several years. He just had heart surgery and was recovering from having a new pacemaker and some other stuff. I spoke with her Friday evening, and he was doing well. Saturday morning at about 2 a.m., he had a heart attack and died. I cried with this woman that I barely know several times yesterday. She asked about Papa, as we had talked about him the night before. I told her that his procedure was successful. Do you know what she said to me? She told me she had had him in her prayers. Again, the power of prayer is awesome! She has enough of her own worries, but she prayed for a man she doesn't even know. How great is that?! She is in my prayers also, and I hope and pray that I can have even a portion of her strength when I inevitabley go through my next trial in life.

Let us all be grateful for what we have and remember who gives us everything! Let us all remember to pray, giving thanks always, and knowing that a great power comes along with that prayer of faith! Just remember to be careful what you pray for....because it just might happen! :>)