Look! My tongue is green!
Crazy! That is life in the Ireland house, always. I have come to accept the fact that I am a working mom. Not that all mom's aren't working moms, but I have to work outside my home. Thankfully I have a mother who takes care of my beautiful children, and thank you to my dad, Jay, for letting her be home to care for them. If not for "Ga-ga," it would be at least 100 times more difficult to go to work each day. Thanks mom and dad!!!
So, I work full-time. Thankfully, again, I actually do like my job and at the end of almost everyday I can say that I helped at least one person. Because I have the kind of job I have, I am blessed to also earn paid time off. So, because I do work full-time, and sometimes I feel like I miss out on some "mom" moments; I take the day off for the birthday of each of my children if they fall on a normal work day. This last Monday was that day for Korbin. My baby turned 4! How can that be?
4 years ago, John and I were at USF medical center, hoping to bring our baby home from the NICU sooner rather than later. After a week of being there and missing our other 2 boys (thankfully mom was there then too) we finally got to bring our tiny boy home. He was our smallest at birth and even smaller when we left SF, the only one who had to have preemie size clothes. Korbin went to school with me from February to May of 2006. That was one of my best semesters ever. My pregnancy with Korbin was a bit of a surprise, but never has he been anything short of a miraculous blessing! Shortly after he was born, Korbin received a Priesthood blessing at the hands of two Priesthood holders from our ward and his breathing problems were gone within 20 minutes. I was reminded that day just how much we are truly watched over by a loving Father in Heaven. It was by the His sacred power that Korbin was healed, and continued to be healed, for the remainder of that week. In looking at Korbin today, one would never know that we ever had the slightest worry. He is a joy to have in our family. Korbin is precious in every way. He is, so far, a combination of his brothers in physical appearance and attitude. He is smart, funny and full of spirit! What a blessing we have been given, to be Korbin's parents.
Korbin loves cars and trains, but not just any cars or trains. He likes cars from the Disney movie "Cars" and he likes Thomas the train and friends. He can put together puzzles in no time, and loves to be challenged by puzzles with lots of pieces. He wanted a train cake for his birthday, so that is what he got. The first one fell apart, so I spent mostly my entire day off of work baking, frosting and decorating cakes. You know what, though? I would do it all again just to see Korbin light up at the sight of his cake! He got lots of Cars presents, and he loved it.
Korbin, we love you and are grateful to have been blessed and valued enough by Heavenly Father to be your parents here on earth. We look forward to many birthdays yet to come!! Love you, Bubby!

Sticking his finger in the frosting.

Mommy even made tracks, look. Those are cracks (tracks in Korbin's language).

I am really tired, but must smile for the traditional "cake picture."

Why must Aidan always be silly? Because, he is his own self...that is Aidan!

That is enough already, I want to play with my new toys!

Look, I got a new puzzle. It has 100 pieces. (He has already gotten it 3/4 put together two times now.)