I'm a Mormon.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A new school year for Connor

Connor started his 3rd grade school year yesterday! I still cannot believe how big he has gotten. Ga-ga and I took him to school after he said good-bye to daddy and his sleeping brothers. Connor's teacher this year is Mrs. Smith. She is new to teaching this year, but has been an aide in 2nd grade at the school for the past few years. She is very nice and very friendly. When we picked Connor up, he was all smiles and said; "I have the nicest teacher in the whole school!!" That was coming from a kid who loved 2nd grade teacher, Ms. McCurdy. So, Connor is thrilled to be in the class he is in and I predict having a great 3rd grade year.
Even though this is the 4th year of taking him for his first day of school, I still cried. And, as I type this, I get teary-eyed again. I know that he will do well in school and that he needs to be there...really, I do. I guess it is just something about letting go, even for a mere 6 1/2 hours, that gets me emotional.
Aidan will go in for testing this morning and then Kindergarten officially starts next Tuesday. I am sure I will be sobbing that day! Oh what a blessing my children are! What will I do when my baby starts school and there won't be another to follow? I better take a whole case of tissue with me that day.
I will try to post pics of Connor's first day this afternoon!

1 comment:

Sarah W. said...

Beginning school is always crazy! I can't believe our kids are getting so big either... wasn't it just the other day we were roommates, out and about getting into all sorts of craziness? I've been thinking about you a lot lately... what else is going on with you guys