I'm a Mormon.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


You know, you can find all kinds of stuff on YouTube. Why is it that we, the human race, think that filming ourselves doing silly things is fun and entertaining? Maybe because we all watch some of the "so stupid, it is funny" shows. There are some things on YouTube, obviously, that are not funny, they are stupid, and some things that are just plain wrong! But, in the end, there are some good things also. I am going to post two of my favorites from YouTube. These are just things that I have found and liked. The first is a cute little song that helps my kids, and I, remember who the leaders of our Church are right now. I like it because it helps us remember not only their names, but a little something about them. The other is about Prop. 8 in California. It just makes it simple. It just illustrates, in a simple way, why I believe marriage should be defined as a union between a man and a woman. Simple.



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