I'm a Mormon.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Trying Something New

I am going to try something new...my great friend, and former mission companion, Cathy, has a great blog that I follow. She manages to write on her blog pretty much everyday. I am going to try to do this...I am going to try to write more like she does...you can check her blog out over here: http://theoldsfamily.blogspot.com

I started something else new just about a month ago. I started making freezer meals for our family. I have always been good at budgeting and spending a small amount on groceries for our family size. Our average monthly grocery bill over the last few years has been $300 or less, including buying food storage food for our family. I noticed, however, that after I started working in our Garberville office, I was spending more than that. I noted that it was because I was getting home later and probably doing more "convenience" kind of foods than before. In order to get away from that, and get back on budget, I decided to try to use the crockpot more and to try freezer meals. Freeze meals have been great! I spend a Saturday or Sunday afternoon cooking 6-10 meals and then I freeze them. I can take most from freezer to oven and have dinner within an hour to an hour and a half after coming in the door. It is the next best thing to having dinner in the crockpot!

I have found some great recipes on this website: http://sisterscafe.blogspot.com
One of the kid's favorites is this: http://sisterscafe.blogspot.com/2009/07/chicken-cordon-bleu-bake.html

I have spent less than $300 on groceries in the last month and I have added to our food storage. That, my friends, is awesome in my opinion!

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Wow! You're a Budgeting Queen! I've been wanting to try freezer meals. And how I do love my crock pot.